Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 1: Moving to Yellowstone

Wednesday, August 1, 2007:
We crawled into our day at a very slow pace. We were the land of the walking wounded; the boys were feeling better, but completely. They were on the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast/crackers) diet and trying to drink watered down Gader-Aide. They were still trying to get their digestive system back to normal. Owen stomach was still hurting and he was not interested in eating anything and was drinking very little. Drew was recovering more quickly and was drinking and eating a bit. Maslin was on the decline and had spent the night throwing up. The boys and Laura took showers around 10:00 am. Once back, we started the pack-up processes. By 12:00, we were ready to head north to Yellowstone, which was about a two-hour drive away. By around 3:00 we were set up in our new campsite in the Grant Village Campground. It is located on the Yellowstone Lake, which is a huge lake. The campground was quiet crowded, which left very little privacy. We all crashed in the tent from 3:00ish to 4:00ish. By around 5:00 o’clock we decided it was time for Maslin to head to the clinic located about 45 minutes to the north of our campsite at the Lake Clinic, which use to be a hospital four years ago. It was a great facility and Maslin was well taken care of. She was dehydrated, like the boys, and received two IV bags of fluids. She also got some anti-nausea medicine that put her to sleep. By 8:30 pm, her treatment was complete and we headed back to our campsite. On the way home, we saw a huge male Elk on the side of the road with a huge rack. He walked right across the road, with no fear of the cars. Once back, we gave Owen some the anti-nausea medicine, since his stomach was still aching. We all had a very good night sleep; thank goodness!

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