Sunday, August 5, 2007

July 30: Horse Back riding & Mark and Anne visit

Monday, July 30, 2007: (George and Laura’s 19th wedding anniversary)
We got up by 6:30 am and out of the campsite by 7:00 am to drive about 30 minutes to first-come-first serve horseback riding at the Teton Horseback Adventures, which is run by the B.J. and Vicki Hill family. They live in Pavillion, WY during the winter, but spend all summer living in wall tents and running horse trips in the remote Bridge-Teton National forest with abuts the Grand Teton National Park. The while family helps to run the “ranch”. We went out around 8:00 am with the Hill’s youngest daughter; Chelsea, who was very spunky and chatty with George (he was 2nd in line). During the spring and fall, when she is not helping with the ranch, she competes in the rodeo circuit in barrel racing, pole bending and combined roping of a calf. We went out for a two-hour ride through streams, up steep hills and across meadows. We did not have any animal sighting, but the countryside was beautiful and our horses were very well behaved. We had a good time. We came home by around 11:00 am. George did laundry and I worked on the journal a bit. Owen and Drew were not feeling well due to upsetstomachs, so we hung out at the campsite. Mark and Anne came up from Jackson WY around 3:00ish to stay for the afternoon and night. The boys were getting worse; so they were crashed in the tent; Owen was throwing up and Drew was running to the bathroom on a regular bases. We hung out at the campsite with Mark and Ann. Around 6:00 pm, we took a quick dunk in the lake. I drove Owen over to the lake to take a swim so he could cool off a bit because it was so hot in the tent. Drew was too sick to join us. Thanks to Mark and Ann, we made a yummy dinner of barbecued chicken, potatoes, bread and salad. We ate while the boys were still a mess, crashed in the tent. Poor guys. We headed to bed hoping the boy’s stomach flu would improve by the morning. They had not been able to keep down or in any liquids.

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